Your Unplanned Pregnancy Options

We’re committed to educating pregnant women about their unplanned pregnancy choices in a nonjudgmental and unbiased way. What’s important to us is that you are comfortable with your decision.

When you find yourself facing an unplanned pregnancy, it’s probably a situation you’ve never imagined for yourself. Choosing which path to take from here is a life-changing decision, and you’re the only one who can decide what’s right for you.

We’re committed to educating pregnant women about their unplanned pregnancy choices in a nonjudgmental and unbiased way. Because our law firm is not connected in any way to a religious organization or belief system, we will not judge whatever choice you make. What’s important to us is that you are comfortable with your decision.

We know that every situation is different, and we only want you to choose the best option for you, no matter what it is. That’s why, when you contact us, we’ll give you only the facts to help you decide what’s best for you. Whether that ends up being abortion, parenting, or adoption, we empower you to make the decision yourself.


When you’re considering your early pregnancy options, abortion may be one of them. Currently, you can obtain an abortion in Arizona up until the 24th week of your pregnancy. After receiving state-directed counseling and an ultrasound, you will have to wait 24 hours before the procedure can be completed.

It’s important that you reach out to medical professionals, such as your doctor or Planned Parenthood, to get the facts about abortion. There are many pro-choice and pro-life organizations on the Internet that you may encounter while doing research, but these sites may not provide accurate information in an objective way

We are here to provide you unbiased, accurate information about the legalities of getting an abortion in Arizona, if you need it. Because our law firm is not connected in any way to an abortion provider, religious organization, or belief system, we will not judge the choice you make. What’s important to us is that you are comfortable with your decision and understand all of the facts involved.


Choosing to raise a child is a lifetime commitment, so if you think you might want to be a parent, it needs to be a decision you’re 100% confident with. Parenthood is a challenging but rewarding path to take, especially if you’re becoming a parent for the first time. For many pregnant women, whether the father is involved plays a huge factor in deciding to parent their child. When making this decision, it is important to know what involvement the father might have in the child’s life, what financial support is available to you, and what parenting resources are available in our community.

If you’re not sure whether parenting is the right choice for you, we encourage you to reach out to us to learn more about the father’s rights and potential involvement in the child’s life. Because being a parent is a decision that you cannot change your mind about, it’s critical that you know what your life might look like should you choose to raise your baby. If you do choose to parent your baby, we can provide you helpful information and resources to prepare you for the challenges and rewards ahead of you.


If you’re farther along in your unplanned pregnancy, you might be trying to decide whether to choose adoption or to keep your baby. We understand how difficult this decision can be, which is why we are always available to discuss your options and give you the facts about the adoption process in Arizona.

You may not know that modern adoptions can create healthy relationships between birth parents and adoptive families; they’re not the final “goodbye” you may think. However, adoption can be a complicated emotional and legal process that varies based on your individual situation. As an attorney who has worked with many prospective birth mothers in Arizona, Heather Strickland can give you the truth about how adoption works, including answers to all of your questions.

Placing a baby for adoption is a difficult choice to make, which is why we offer you the chance to meet with us and learn more about all of your pregnancy options in Arizona, with no obligation to choose adoption unless you’re ready. Attorney Heather Strickland can also refer you to free counseling services if you need emotional support or additional counseling during this decision-making process (and your entire pregnancy).

Should you choose adoption, you will be in charge every step of the way, and you can also change your mind at any point before you give your adoption consent (after the baby is born). Remember, asking questions about adoption and learning more does not mean you have to choose adoption until you’re absolutely sure it’s right for you.

We’re committed to educating pregnant women about their unplanned pregnancy choices in a nonjudgmental and unbiased way. What’s important to us is that you are comfortable with your decision.